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Successful Conversion isn’t always about Money

Ultimately, all businesses need some kind of incoming revenue, and making certain your funnel is converting is crucial to operating and growing your business. But, money is not always the primary way to measure every program or campaign.

Sometimes, the conversion of your programs or campaigns have a goal of increasing brand awareness, asking for contact information to follow up later, or helping people solve problems before they make a purchase.

One example of this is a Non-Profit Organization. The main objective may be for the target audience to engage with the brand or benefit from the services of a charity, meaning success is measured by the impact on individuals and communities. Money still has to come from somewhere, though, if it’s not covered by an unlimited endowment. So, other campaigns would target individuals and businesses to encourage donations. Even within this example, some campaigns might be financially focused, while other campaigns focus on getting people to volunteer their time, or donate important goods and services in lieu of cash.

When developing your marketing plan, and allocating your marketing budget, it’s important to make these distinctions so you can prioritize the right activity at the right time. Ideally, your advertising campaigns and sales funnels should cover all of your bases, and your brand’s digital presence and social media should offer additional support for each initiative.

Your customers, clients, patients, or patrons all exist on a spectrum, and fall in different categories as they ascend in your ecosystem to different levels of investment, involvement, and success. By ensuring all of your marketing efforts are working together, the overall harmony of your campaigns make each of them stronger, and contribute to the overall impression and authority your audience perceives about your brand.

If you would like more information about how Enclave Marketing can manage your branding and advertising to establish greater authority while simultaneously adding to your bottom line, schedule a call on our Contact Us page. We’ll share more about the products and services we offer, and provide a custom Insight Report full of recommendations specific to your unique business and goals.

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Picture of Tommy Jones

Tommy Jones

Brand Manager